Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pilihan Hotel Bujet di Phuket Kian Bertambah

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Pilihan Hotel Bujet di Phuket Kian Bertambahdok. Tune HotelsTune Hotel Patong di Phuket, Thailand.

KOMPAS.com – Selama ini, jaringan hotel internasional Tune Hotels yang mengelola beberapa hotel bujet di dunia, lebih banyak membuka hotel di kota-kota bisnis. Namun, belakangan Tune Hotels memperluas jaringannya di kota-kota resor seperti pulau resor dan pantai, terutama di Asia Tenggara.

Baru-baru ini, telah dibuka “Tune Hotel Patong” di Pulau Phuket, Thailand. Sebelumnya, telah dibuka pula Tune Hotel di kota-kota resor termasuk Kuta dan Legian di Bali, Pattaya di Thailand, dan Cebu di Filipina.
Grup CEO Tune Hotels, Mark Lankester mengaitkan perkembangan positif ini dengan pertumbuhan pariwisata lintas perbatasan daerah. Perkembangan positif tersebut terjadi karena akses mudah dan terjangkau melalui perjalanan udara melintasi kepulauan dan daratan di Asia Tenggara.
“Beberapa tahun yang lalu banyak orang hanya bermimpi berlibur ke Phuket atau Bali, namun semakin banyaknya penerbangan berbiaya rendah seperti AirAsia telah mengubah sebagian dari mimpi-mimpi tersebut menjadi kenyataan. Yang sebelumnya mewah di masa lalu kini menjadi rutinitas biasa bagi banyak orang. Bahkan kini banyak yang dapat menikmati beberapa kali perjalanan dalam setahun,” kata Mark.
Berdasarkan latar belakang ini, Mark menambahkan bahwa kehadiran Tune Hotels adalah untuk menyediakan pilihan akomodasi yang menawarkan penginapan dengan berkualitas pada harga terjangkau bagi para wisatawan.
“Dengan mendirikan hotel-hotel di pulau-pulau resor yang terkenal, kami memungkinkan lebih banyak orang untuk mengunjungi tempat-tempat ini tanpa biaya yang memberatkan,” tambahnya.
Tune Hotel Patong dengan jumlah kamar 144 dibuka pada tanggal 28 Desember 2012, menyambut Tahun Baru dengan pemesanan yang tinggi dari para tamu. Lokasinya hanya beberapa menit berjalan kaki dari Pantai Patong yang terkenal.

Tune Hotel Patong juga mudah diakses  dari pantai-pantai Phuket lainnya. Serta bisa dijangkau dari pusat-pusat atraksi seperti taman nasional, air terjun, lapangan golf dan fasilitas olah raga air.
“Pembukaan Tune Hotel Patong, yang melengkapi hotel lainnya di Thailand, yaitu Hat Yai, Pattaya dan Bangkok, mencerminkan komitmen kuat kami terhadap industri pariwisata dan perjalanan di wilayah ini. Dengan jumlah penduduk lebih dari 600 juta, Asia Tenggara menyajikan pasar besar bagi kami dan kami sangat berharap dapat menyambut mereka di hotel kami,” kata Mark.
Tune Hotels merintis brand hotel hemat melalui konsep “bayar yang Anda gunakan”. Dengan konsep tersebut, para tamu hanya membayar harga kamar. Sementara pilihan tambahan fasilitas dikenakan biaya, seperti handuk dan perlengkapan mandi, pendingin ruangan (AC), koneksi internet nirkabel dalam kamar, serta TV satelit di beberapa hotel.
Tune Hotels telah melayani lebih dari empat juta tamu sejak pembukaan hotel pertamanya di Kuala Lumpur pada tahun 2007. Kini terdapat total 27 Tune Hotels yaitu 11 di Malaysia, lima di Inggris, empat di Filipina, empat di Thailand, dan tiga di Indonesia. Ahmedabad, India, dan Melbourne (Australia) akan buka di 2013.

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Pesan Hotel "Online" Kian Ngetren

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JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Penggunaan internet berdampak pada banyak hal, termasuk mengubah tren wisatawan dalam memesan kamar hotel. Rajakamar, situs pemesanan kamar hotel via online, mendapatkan kenaikan penjualan kamar via online sebesar 30 persen di tahun 2012, dibanding pada tahun sebelumnya.

Hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh Chanjaya, General Manager Rajakamar, di JCC Jakarta, Jumat (15/2/2013). Menurutnya, hingga awal Januari 2013, penjualan kamar hotel lebih banyak dilakukan via online.

Bahkan, tren pun merambah pada pemesanan kamar hotel via mobile (handphone). Rajakamar yang memiliki aplikasi pada handphone Blackberry dan Android, menurut Chan, setiap bulannya, makin banyak yang mengunduh aplikasi tersebut.

"Pada Desember 2012 jumlah pengunduh aplikasi Rajakamar di BB dan Android tembus angka 60 ribu," ujar Chan.

Hingga saat ini kebanyakan transaksi pemesanan kamar hotel online maupun offline masih didominasi oleh wisatawan yang berasal dari Jakarta untuk destinasi mayoritas ke Bali, Bandung dan Yogyakarta. Sedangkan, untuk tarif hotel yang paling banyak dipesan berkisar Rp 400.000 - Rp 600.000.

Meningkatnya angka pemesanan kamar hotel, juga dipengaruhi oleh makin menjamurnya hotel-hotel yang dibangun. Chan mengungkapkan bahwa pada tahun ini akan dibangun beberapa hotel baru terutama di kawasan Tangerang.

Anak-anak Dilarang Duduk di Kursi Penerbangan Ini

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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pengelolaan Gua Pindul Diperebutkan

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KOMPAS/HENDRA A SETYAWAN Wisatawan menikmati wisata susur Goa Pindul di Desa Bejiharjo, Kecamatan Karangmojo, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, DI Yogyakarta, pekan lalu. Wisatawan diajak menyusuri goa sepanjang 350 meter menggunakan ban dan dilengkapi pelampung serta helm keselamatan selama setengah jam. Wisata minat khusus itu mampu memberdayakan perekonomian masyarakat setempat sejak dua tahun terakhir ini.

GUNUNG KIDUL, KOMPAS.com - Pengelolaan obyek wisata minat khusus Gua Pindul di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, diperebutkan beberapa pihak, menyusul jumlah pengunjungnya yang semakin banyak.

Anggota pengurus Panca Wisata Gua Pindul, Tri Gunadi di Gunung Kidul, Jumat (15/2/2013), mengatakan obyek wisata Gua Pindul yang berada di wilayah Kecamatan Karangmojo itu, dikelola tiga sekretariat pengelola, yakni Dewa Bejo, Panca Wisata, dan Wira Wisata yang berlokasi di Dusun Gelaran II.

"Saat ini akan muncul tiga pengelola lagi, yakni Karya Wisata yang dikelola warga Dusun Karangmojo, Taruna Wisata dan satu pengelola yang berlokasi di Dusun Gunungbang," katanya.

Menurut Tri Gunadi, banyaknya pengelola Gua Pindul menyebabkan masyarakat di sekitar obyek wisata itu resah. Dikhawatirkan dengan munculnya pengelola baru akan menyulut konflik sosial antarkelompok masyarakat dan pengelola.

"Adanya pemberitaan yang menyebutkan ada pengelola Gua Pindul  yang dianggap ilegal karena belum memiliki izin menyebabkan keresahan," katanya.

Akibat kekecewaan warga terhadap munculnya sekretariat baru pengelola Gua Pindul beberapa waktu lalu, warga sempat melarang kendaraan pengangkut bahan bangunan masuk ke lokasi pembangungan sekretariat milik Taruna Wisata, yang berada tepat di atas lokasi gua itu.

"Kejadian ini dipicu oleh rencana pembangunan sekretariat Taruna Wisata yang tidak disosialisasikan kepada warga terlebih dahulu," katanya.

Pengelola Taruna Wisata, Edy Purwanto mengatakan pengelolaan Gua Pindul harus sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Taruna Wisata merupakan pengelola yang legal. "Selain itu, kami memiliki izin dari pemilik tanah yang berada di atas Gua Pindul, Atik Damayanti," katanya.

Sebelumnya, Pemkab dan DPRD Gunung Kidul sedang menyiapkan peraturan daerah mengenai obyek wisata, salah satunya mengatur pengelolaan desa wisata.

Berbalas Pantun di Agam

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Dok. Kompas TV Tradisi Pasambahan (berbalas pantun) di Kabupaten Agam

DI lereng Gunung Marapi terdapat sebuah pemukiman. Di sana, anak-anak dan pemuda Minangkabau sedang mempelajari tiga buah pelajaran yang telah menjadi tradisi turun-temurun di masyarakat. Kamga, pembawa acara “Explore Indonesia” di Kompas TV, mempelajari sebuah tradisi di Kabupaten Agam.

Sebuah tradisi yang bisa dibilang sangat memiliki korelasi dengan sebuah ungkapan khas Minang yang berbunyi “Adat basandi syara, syara basandi Khitabullah” yang artinya adat selalu bersendikan kepada agama dan agama bersendikan kepada kitab suci Alquran. Tiga pelajaran tersebut nantinya akan menjadi bekal mereka dalam mempelajari jasmani, rohani, dan juga adat di masa mendatang.

Tradisi di Minangkabau bukan hanya melekat dalam adat, namun juga mengakar pada sendi agama. Bekal ilmu rohani pun sudah ditanamkan sejak usia dini. Seperti tercermin pada kegiatan mengaji anak-anak di sebuah taman pendidikan Alquran di Nagari Balai Gurah, Kecamatan Ampek Angkek, Kabupaten Agam, Sumatera Barat.

Tidak semua santri di TPA ini berasal dari kampung setempat. Sekitar 10 santri berasal dari luar kota. Mereka anak-anak Minang yang orangtuanya hidup merantau dan sudah tinggal di kota lain dan mengirim anaknya belajar mengaji di kampung leluhur.

Melengkapi bekal rohani, pelajaran untuk bekal jasmani juga tidak dilupakan. Dengan bekal keterampilan bela diri, seseorang akan menjadi kuat secara fisik dan mampu menjaga diri, bermental berani, sportif, dan berjiwa ksatria. Nilai-nilai itulah yang tertanam pada para peserta pencak silat Minang.

Pencak Silat Minang memiliki ciri khas tersendiri yaitu, tidak pernah menyerang, berprinsip mencari kawan bukan musuh, jika diserang bertahan dan menghindar. Tindakan melumpuhkan lawan hanya digunakan sebagai pilihan terakhir.

Bekal terakhir dan juga penting adalah pasambahan. Sebuah tradisi berbentuk kegiatan berbalas pantun.

Seorang laki-laki di Ranah Minang akan memikul tanggung jawab sebagai mamak atau yang dituakan dalam keluarganya. Ia akan bertanggungjawab kepada keponakannya. Sebagai contoh, ketika keponakannya menikah, maka mamak yang akan maju, salah satunya saat melakukan pasambahan.

“Bapak bisa bapak jelaskan Pasambahan itu apa pak?” Kamga bertanya kepada Ismail Tanjung, Pembimbing Pasambahan.

“Pasambahan itu adalah suatu tradisi di daerah Minangkabau ini umumnya, yaitu acara Pasambahan ini terdapatnya di waktu ada keramaian-keramaian, satu contoh di waktu Baralek, Perkawinan atau sekiranya ada yang meninggal di waktu pemakaman, orang umumnya mengadakan Pasambahan,” jelas Ismail Tanjung.

Jadi, lanjutnya, tujuan Pasambahan ini salah satunya untuk suatu masalah itu dengan perundingan. Orang Minang umumnya memutuskan suatu masalah itu dengan cara mufakat.

“Itulah salah satu pengertian dari Pasambahan,” tutur Ismail.

Peserta pasambahan terbagi dua kelompok saling berhadapan yang akan berdialog dan berunding dengan banyak menggunakan bahasa pantun dan dapat berlangsung selama berjam-jam lamanya.

Tradisi Pasambahan menyempurnakan tiga bekal ilmu bagi para pemuda Minang. Budaya Musyawarah untuk mufakat dalam pasambahan menunjukkan kultur demokrasi sudah mengakar pada kehidupan masyarakat Minangkabau sejak lampau. (Kompas TV/ Anjas Prawioko/ Amelia Tagaroi/ Adelia Devita)

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Potensi Pariwisata Riau Belum Dikembangkan

DOC.TRAVELIstana Siak Siak Regency, Riau. COMPASS/MOHAMMAD HILMI FAIQWisatawan enjoy the Emerald Lake in Dayun, Siak Regency, Riau Province, Saturday (4/8/2012). Emerald Lake is a natural tourism objects, the mainstay of Siak Regency. The Government intends to more serious menggarapnya by fixing the supporting infrastructure, such as Inns and restaurants. COMPASS/MOHAMMAD HILMI FAIQMohammad Zum (53), takes guests along the tributary after enjoying the beauty of the Emerald Lake in Dayun, Siak Regency, Riau Province, Saturday (4/8/2012). Emerald Lake became one of the tourist environment, but not yet widely known due to lack of promotion and supporting infrastructure has not been adequate.

PEKANBARU, KOMPAS.com -Association of travel agencies (ASITA) Indonesia Riau assess a lot of tourism potential that has not been developed in Riau Province is known as a business centre and has many tourist attractions.

"Developers destinations in Riau have not focused and almost all the region wants to develop tourism in the area, but no one has really become a favorite tourist or seeded," said Secretary of Riau ASITA, Muhammad Thys Michels in Soweto, Tuesday (8/1/2013).

He exemplifies in Siak Regency that has relics of The Palace of the Sultanate of Siak Siak Sri Indrapura and if built together then tours in Siak will become pre-eminent.

Then there is in the District of Muara Takus Temple Kampar are from a variety of literature is referred to as the oldest temple in Indonesia and the existence of this temple into a mysterious and yet no definite history when it was built, but unfortunately have not been managed properly.

Further waves of Bono in Pelalawan District, where people can surf at the mouth of the river and the Kampar River in surfing activities exist only in a few places in the world like the Amazon, Brazil.

"During the development of this tourism concentration is not focused, whereas many areas such as Kampar, Siak and Pelalawan can become the tourist areas. Whilst Soweto is concentrated on business and entertainment sectors, "he said.

Head of Department of culture and tourism of the province of Riau, Said Syarifuddin said it is ready to encourage and support regional development of tourism destinations in Riau.

As at various events held by district/city, both in the funds in the STATE BUDGET or the BUDGET of such a fuel barge in the Rokan Hilir, then runway line in Kuantan Sengingi, tambourine festival in Bengkalis and others.

"Indeed our program as such and each district had its award-winning tours in each region. So each kabupaten/kota had already made one flagship tourism and that is the way, not new proposals, "he said.

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Biak Has A Variety Of Tourist Places

COMPASS IMAGES/RODERICK ADRIAN MOZESTarian Mimika of Comoros is shown in the event pembukan Weekend Tours in 2012 Wampasi Munara Hangar-Manuhua Village, Biak town, Biak Numfor Regency, Papua Province, Tuesday (3/7/2012). Last week this tour will last until July 10. Tourists will be treated to a variety of tourist activities such as catching fish (snap mor), diving and snorkeling. COMPASS IMAGES/RODERICK ADRIAN MOZESGua Binsari or better known as the cave of Japan can be found at Biak, Biak Numfor Regency, Papua, Friday (6/7/2012). On June 7, 1944, allied forces dropped bombs along with drums of fuel to burn the cave and kill 3000 Japan soldiers hiding inside. COMPASS IMAGES/RODERICK ADRIAN MOZESSejumlah play in the tourist area of Wafsarak Waterfalls, Amoi, district of Biak Numfor Regency, Nearly, Papua, Monday (9/7/2012). Natural tourism area in North Biak is a vehicle for 1 to 1.5 hours drive from the town of Biak. The visitors pulled the entrance fee is Rp 25,000 per vehicle. COMPASS IMAGES/RODERICK ADRIAN MOZESPenari do Beyeren Apen attractions (walking on coals) in the event of pembukan Weekend Excursions Munara Wampasi 2012 at Hangar-Manuhua Village, Biak town, Biak Numfor Regency, Papua Province, Tuesday (3/7/2012). Last week this tour will last until July 10, where tourists will be treated to a variety of tourist activities such as catching fish (snap mor), diving and snorkeling.

BIAK, KOMPAS.com – a range of potential natural attractions such as the beauty of the Marine Park Islands Padaido as well as the diversity of art and culture typical of the Biak Numfor Regency, Papua is expected to increase the flow of tourists visit the archipelago and abroad to Breed.

Head of Department of culture and tourism destination in Biak, Mecky Kapitarrauw on Biak, Tuesday (8/1/2013), said breeding ground as the area of the Islands is known to have the potential for a wide array of nautical tourism, where the typical cultural arts and historical objects from the remnants of World War II, which still attracts tourists.

"Tourist destination in Indonesia and abroad on Biak in goa Binsari Japan, a World War II monument at Paray/Anggraidi Padaido Islands, sea, beaches, coastal Wari Bosnik as well as some other Breeds of historic places," he said.

Detailed data on the offending tourists visit to Biak, according to Mecky, until early 2012 is still in the process of the preparation of the annual report.

He said, there are a number of property until the end of the end of 2012 has yet to submit a list of guests to the residence of tourism and culture.

The Department of tourism and culture, and multiply every time record sights on Biak data for inclusion in the Biak Numfor Regency tourist destinations. With the natural beauty of the breeds could push expected flow of foreign tourists visit the archipelago and to the Breed.

Thursday, cruise ship Clipper Odyssey dock at Sabang

COMPASS/DEFRI WERDIONO son of the beach-a sandy beach to swim at the Beach, Iboih, Sabang, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, Wednesday (22/2/2012). The beach is on the Western Islands of Indonesia is quite a lot of interest to tourists. They can swim, snorkeling, diving, or just cruise around the local area.

BANDA ACEH, KOMPAS.com -cruise ship MV Clipper Odyssey berbendara Bahamas carrying hundreds of tourists (wisman) will be anchored in the area of tourism, Iboih, Sabang, Aceh province.

Kabid Sabang Tourism Marketing, M Ali Taufik who was contacted from Banda Aceh, Wednesday (9/1/2013), explains the yacht owned by International Shipping Partners Inc. that carries as many as 135 solo was scheduled to arrive at 05.30 BST, Thursday (10/1/2013).

"These cruise ships carrying as many as 135 passengers and recorded 69 crew departed from Medan Belawan, North Sumatra Province," he said.

MV Clipper Odyssey is the first cruise ship anchored off Aceh's flagship tourist destination, Sabang in early 2013. The tourists were passengers on a cruise ship for six hours to enjoy the beautiful panorama of nature, especially the Sea tourism Sabang with a wide variety of coral reefs and other unique species in the region and Iboih Gapang.

Sabang city represented Department of culture and tourism will be presenting a welcoming serimonial activities simply by displaying some of the many cultural attractions typical of Aceh.

According to Ali Taufiq, Sabang Government has set as one of the first settled area national destinations continued myself especially to mainstay attractions.

"We're continuing to restructure the flagship attractions in hopes of attracting more tourists flow to Sabang. Sabang tourism promotion also received special attention of the Government, "he said.

From tourism sector expected to excite people's income with various units of small businesses, such as restaurants, lodging and transportation. "The progress of tourism sector will have a major impact for economic growth accelerated efforts to Sabang. Therefore the community is very supportive of the advancement of Sabang tourism sector, "added Ali Taufiq.

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Venice of the East

The RAYS of the Sun, cool air, canals, bridges, as well as local-style house into a river, the town of Zhouzhuang charm is the oldest in the country "Bamboo Curtain" that has been dubbed "Venice", China.

On walking in the halls of the village, cross the bridge, as well as observe the passing by of the gondola that carries tourists to be a unique experience, especially when the camera caught the corners of the village.

The concept of the city as it has existed since hundreds of years ago. The name of Zhouzhuang purportedly born since the beginning of the Qing dynasty. Now, the traditional atmosphere of the town remain preserved.

Cold air in the afternoon, reaching 7 degrees celsius could not make the solo lift away. Downstream view of the mudiknya gondola along the canals that divide the hard left.

Speciality outlets-outlets around it to capture the beauty of it in a variety of products, ranging from sweatshirts to silk fabric. Complete with a cafe and a restaurant which offers local flavour.

Zhouzhuang in Jiangsu province can be visited with a road about 60 kilometers from Shanghai. The winter and fall is a good time to visit there. (Priyombodo)

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Grant Funds for Tourism Boost Motivation

COMPASS/FERGANATA SENSES RIATMOKO children citizens of Kinahrejo showing jatilan Arts attractions at the opening ceremony the nature tourism Cruising in Kinahrejo hamlet of Kinahrejo, operating for Village, Cangkringan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Saturday (12/2/2011). COMPASS/DIDIT'S SON ERLANGGA RAHARDJOWisatawan using the ban as a float down the Pindul Cave, a cave 300 meters to the river that flows in it, as part of a tour offered by the tourist village Bejiharjo, Karangmojo, Gunungkidul, Thursday (22/11/2012). The tours began operating since 2010 is successfully moving the economic livelihood of the local people as farmers into the field.

YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com -funneled Grants to tourist village in the province of Yogyakarta special region is directed to increase the motivation of the person who manages the village in an attempt to bring in tourists.

"The grants funds are channelled to the 13 tourist villages in Yogyakarta special region is indeed directed to drive the local economy, and bring in many tourists in the tourist village," said the head of Tourism Information Programs Unsexy DIY, Setiawan to Yogyakarta, Thursday (10/1/2013).

"Grants these funds only a mere to motivate the managers of tourism to be more independent, including the management and promotion of tourism packages in the tourist village. Each tourist receives these funds amounting to Rp 75 million, "he said.

He said if you want to get ahead, in fact the tourism village is not too dependent on Government funding, including grants. Therefore, the management of the tourist village lots done with purely local community based organizations.

"Need a new breakthrough for the managers, including how to sell package tours, and cultural cooperation with many travel agencies to bring closer the tourist village market with consumers. The reason for this is not yet optimal intertwined, "said Setiawan.

He said the agenda of a culture that is done several tours in DIY, some time ago, managed to attract the attention of tourists, and tourism which originally deserted visitors, being crowded.

A number of tourist village at the DIY holiday year-end 2012 hosts cultural tours, among them tourist village Sendari in district Mlati, Sleman. The event witnessed by residents of the surrounding communities. Some of the cultural attractions that presented them a tambourine music, dance, and stage art.

Then the Cape tourism village in the village of Donokerto, district, Sleman Regency, Ngaglik, also held similar events.

"This event proves that moving the traditional cultural tourism in tourist villages need financial support which is not a little. Therefore, many of the tourist village which does not yet have the funds independently within the organizing similar events, to hook the tourists, "he said.

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Performing Difference with LED lights

LED Studio Corp. as the manufacturer describes, the LED modules are manufactured and dipasarkannya made with printed circuit board (PCB). With this form of LED lights can be adjusted with the wishes of the customer or the form of the original light car.

The LED of the company is designed to be used for a variety of information, such as the headlights, rear lights, Angel eye model (angle eyes), projection lights, DRL, cabins and a LED bohlan for fog lamps.

For those of you interested in the design of LEDS and LED this Studio-made and based in Bandung, can visit exLEDIndonesia in the way of Blooming Main No. 118.

Yamaha Xeon RC Getting Frisky!

Bogor, KompasOtomotif -many consider, Xeon RC refresher facial only. In fact, Yamaha precisely doing modifications "born-spiritual". One of them, the machine is now a typical injection system Yamaha mengadalkan, YMJET-FI.

After the launch in Pulo Gadung, yesterday (9/1/2013), Yamaha Indonesia directly invited dozens of journalists to try out Karting Circuits in this Dodge, Sentul, Bogor, West Java.

Single arm
The figure of the Xeon RC is now more streamlined and athletic with a sharp body lines. The headlights are slightly oval, so similar to Mio Soul with a fusion of old lights sein stick on either side. Luggage size does not change, enough to store one half face helmets.

Now used a single swinging arm became the object of a shock absorber. As a result, the weighting Xeon RC 3 kg reduced. Enlightenment of body colour combination, is now more dynamic.

While sitting in the joknya, feels comfortable. Now Xeon RC provided locking brake lever on the left side. When the contact "on", the yellow light (injection) and merahpada panel meter flashes.

Before getting into the track, participants are asked to circle the outer circuit to try some obstacles to test its considerable agility. As it turns out, this Dodge snaking easily menindari cones are arranged berjejeran. Better control, same Soul gt.

While testing on the track circuit, less friendly weather, rain, occasionally coupled lightning bolts. Testing cannot be carried out to its fullest. There is even wartakan, because it imposes, as a result of slipping on the track flooded.

The impression gained, accelerated Xeon RC fair, almost the same as competitors. When gas was opened fully on a straight trajectory, needle speedometer touched 70 kpj. Time invited cornering-must be careful because the surface uneven and wet track-not too difficult.

Xeon RC is the "flagship" Yamaha in the segment, Dodge. The new attraction, if originally kencur Usd 16.05 million, is now $ 15.1 million.

"The consumer will judge for yourself. Prices are not yet offered up the excess gain, "explained Dyonisius Beti, Vice President Director, Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing.

Myanmar Remains A Target Of Tourists

KOMPAS.com – Myanmar, one of the tourist destinations that briefly shut down finally opened its doors to tourists. The result is an increase in the number of tourists to visit the country.

According to the tourism agency of Myanmar in the year 2012, Myanmar received a visit of 816 thousand tourists from abroad. This figure has increased by 30 percent compared to the year 2011.

Travel sites, Flight Centre, putting Myanmar on the list ranked 10 countries to visit in 2013. A spokesman from the site menyembutkan request tours to Myanmar has increased. But you have to be quick, because the country is still "Virgin" not for tourists will be forever mysterious.

"Myanmar, remains one of the most mysterious and most destinations untouched. The country is now entered in the target of the people as a holiday destination, "said a spokesman from Flight Centre.

He said companies like tour operator in Australia reported the occurrence of increased interest to travel to Myanmar. Moreover, with the increasing tour package in the country, then predicted by 2013 will be more and more a trip to Myanmar.

"Luxury hotels began to spring up and remote areas are now easily accessible to travelers. However, even the most solid in Myanmar still feels authentic, "he said.

One of the companies in Australia that offers travel to Myanmar was Intrepid Travel. Global Managing Director James Thornton said his company has proven an increasing number of most recent tour of Myanmar.

"There was a stunning response to calls for Aung San Suu Kyi for tourists to come to Myanmar," said Thornton.

According to him, Myanmar is a country that is beautiful and depicts the Southeast Asia in the past thirty years ago. People of Myanmar, he said, is also very friendly and welcoming. With a variety of sacred sites and charming architecture, making Myanmar become a destination that is so magical.

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

MV Minerva Lower House 320 in Karangasem

COMPASS/P RADITYA MAHENDRA YASATuris from Europe that use the Minerva cruise ship arrived at the port of Tanjung Emas, Semarang, Central Java, Saturday (7/1/2013). Tourists who visited Central Java is expected to rise along with the number of cruise ships that will be anchored in the port of Tanjung Emas. In 2011 there are 17 cruise ships anchored and 2013 is expected to rise to 26 ships. A brief visit for one day to tour the Borobudur and the Museum Boerhaave. DOK TVObyek COMPASS tours Garden Gili Kertagosa in Klungkung, Bali. DOC GET LOST IN INDONESIATaman Tip Soekada, Karangasem, Bali. COMPASS IMAGES/FIKRIA Hindu prayer after HIDAYATUmat in Besakih, Karangasem, Bali, Rendang, Wednesday (5/10/2011). The biggest temple in Bali that are experiencing growth since the pre-hindu, is orientated to Gunung Agung, which is considered as the abode of the gods.

DENPASAR, KOMPAS.com -cruise ship MV Minerva lose at least 320 foreign tourists at the port Land Nemati, Karangasem, Bali, on Wednesday (9/1/2013).

The Bahamas-flagged cruise ships that anchor in the port of lego Land Nemati at 04: 32 Pm. Then Representatives Bupati of Karangasem, I Made Sukerana, along with the ranks of local officials welcome the tourists with looped flowers.

A cruise ship that departed from Singapore it makes the easternmost County on the island of Bali as one of the tourist destination. Before the ship weighs the gross ton 12.650 dead had stopped in Semarang, Central Java.

The ship departed from the port of Land surrounding Nemati 23.00 Pm to continue the journey towards Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara) and Pare-Pare (South Sulawesi).

During your stay in Bali, tourists cruise ship passengers will visit a number of tourist attractions, such as the mother temple of Besakih, Karangasem, Puri Kertagosa, Taman Ujung, Pura Kehen, Tenganan, and Penelokan.

Wabup Karangasem I Made Sukerana look forward to the Central Government for help solving a special port cruise ship located in the subdistrict of the mangosteen. "Hopefully in the near future the construction of the harbour can be resolved," he said accompanied by a number of officials of the District of Karangasem.

The cruise ship passengers during this landing on the Ground with the help of the port lifeboat Nemati provided PT allow yourselves.

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A cell phone So the key to Space Tourist Hotel

KOMPAS.com –Travelers in the future could use smart phones as room keys, join a yoga class at the airport, or stay in the right hotel is located in the heart of the shopping center. In fact, these things have started to happen and not simply a discourse of world tourism faces in the future.

Some predictions related to the tourism world in 2013, among others, the popularity of river cruise or cruises on the River would continue to be popular. Destinations that are attracting the attention of the world as North Korea will become a trend.

Recently, The Skypark Central Hotel in Seoul, South Korea did not provide key front guest entrance report time (check-in), but rather a smartphone (smart phones). This smart phone act as a key to open the door of the hotel room.

They can also use it as a tool of control to operate the television, air conditioner, lights up. Even to order food.

Space tourism is also increasingly becoming real in this year. Some middle company setting up all the equipment to make the dream of space travel could be realized.

Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic hopes to begin tests using hybird rocket that will take the plane into space. While the XCOR Aerospace also test their space program this year, before starting to introduce their commercial flight.

A report on trends in 2013 by JWT showed a growing number of airports have on-site fitness facilities. As San Francisco International Airport has been yoga. While the international airport of Minneapolis-St. Paul have the trek on foot.

Hotel built in a shopping center also mushroomed. Sheraton plans to open hotels near Mall of the Emirates in Dubai this year. While Yas Mall in Abu Dhabi will be the "home" of the seven hotels to be opened in 2013.

Hotel accommodation from ice is unusual but increasingly popular. The Hotel from the ice is building temporary structures formed from blocks made of ice. Adrian Günter, for example, building his first ice hotel in Europe in 1996.

Now, it already has some sort of property in Andorra, Switzerland, and Germany, as well as being able to attract up to 10 thousand guests each year at Christmas until April. One of the resornya in Switzerland called The Iglu Dorf, offers amenities such as restaurant, bar, jacuzzi.

CEO of the Australian Federation of Travel Agents Jayson Westbury say Fiji and New Zealand became a tourist destination Australia hounded this year.

"People more quickly back to Fiji, where post-hurricane Evan, compared to when they come back to Bali after the plagues that ever happened on the island," he said.

According to him, New Zealand has also been hounded destinations due to the influence of The film The Hobbit. Meanwhile Keith Stanley from Flight Centre said more and more people researching activity tour through mobile devices before and while on vacation.

"Travelers are also increasingly seeking experiences such as culinary experience and wine or music, rather than just a tourist destination," he said.

He also saw an increase in demand for accommodation in the form of a boutique hotel. For example, about Stanley, Villa in Tuscany, Italy, or the ancient-style hotel Paris.

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Friday, January 11, 2013

Electric motorcycle For Kids

Barcelona, KompasOtomotif -Mecatecno, electric motorcycle manufacturer from Barcelona, Spain, presenting a T8 made specifically for kids with models such as motocross. Because the goal was developed to learn, then light it weigh 24kg. For the road relies on an electric motor that has a maximum power of 0.6 PS and can run a maximum of 22 kpj. The energy generated from a pair of 12V 9Ah battery that is placed under the seat and was able to survive for up to 2 hours.

Because of this the not too tall brake system, using a model V or commonly used on bicycles are made specifically to avoid stuck with tires off-road models are attached to the wheel rims measuring 8 inches.

Interested In? Reservations can only be made through online at the official site with banderol 954 euro or approximately USD 11.5 million.

Djemaa El-Fna, the preferred Tourist historic city

KOMPAS.com Djemaa-El-Fna square, an area where the heart of Marrakech red city beat, which is one of the historic town which is 400 km from the capital Rabat or less 4 hours road trip. This place is one of the destinations that become the target of foreign tourists, especially from Europe. It is proven by the increase of foreign tourists who continue to flock to this place every year.

Koutoubia Mosque

Before entering this area, it looks from the side of the highway a tower with a height of 77 metres. Koutoubia mosque tower was built in 1190 and became an icon of the city of Marrakech. On the other hand it has also become the pride of the local people who have nicknamed her the Eiffel Tower-the city of Marrakech.

A magnificent Tower and master ceiling Old Madina is a combination of brick, cement and stone. The mosque is also surrounded by an extensive garden and beautiful. By maghrib this place always populated mostly by tourists and local citizens while waiting for maghrib Athan echoed. A fantastic landscape that makes your heart berdecak amazed look when sunset and dusk started being replaced by night.

Uniquely again turned out to be the naming of the Koutoubia mosque commenced from the time of the building of the mosque. That the location of this mosque became the site of the earlier books that are available in the Arabic language was "Koutoub" (French spelling) are offering new and used books.

Then after the magnificent stand complete with a garden and a spacious parkirnya, the pride of the citizens of the Marrakech Koutoubia mosque is named. At night, the Tower of the Koutoubia mosque is becoming a very interesting because of the spectacular colorful light.

The Scent Of The Night Market

Dusk is a good time to enter the vast area that is filled with a wide variety of entertainment and the sellers of food typical of Morocco. Set foot into this place the first time the smell was the scent of a typical cuisine.

The fragrance of herbs, the aroma of grilled meat, grilled fish and other dishes tasted very pungent and hard to avoid. Every lapaknya also provides different types of cuisine. Ranging from appetizers like salad, spicy flavor with a snail's pace. The next major food such as roast lamb spice seasoning, sandwich with big portions. Do not miss the other dishes like tagine, kharirah, cous-cous, dajaj kamil and rubu dajaj '.

Not always the food, you'll easily find a wide variety of refreshing beverages such as orange and banan which can be directly made juice with a very refreshing taste. You can also go to the kiosk sellers of dates with a wide range of options that might be your friend while circling the area.

Night Charm

The night before, the atmosphere turned into excitement and hubbub. With the beauty of the light rays that emanated from this place as well as a variety of attractions that are displayed by the local musicians are ready to accompany you on your journey.

The street musician also does not want to miss, with typical Morocco dressed they sing while mumbling tone-tone music typical of Morocco. In addition, there are traditional dancers perform to entertain the visitors, the attraction of snakes, Henna artists, acrobats Morocco almost certainly will be close to anyone, especially a foreigner visiting the Djemaa El-Fna square, until the full monkey doger surrounded visitors.

This makes the Djemaa El-Fna square has a powerful magical aura. Not only music appearance and attractions, the storyteller also enliven the wonderful night at Djemaa El-Fna by practicing a story about heroes of Islam.

In its action the storytellers usually open the stall a little bit. Trust me, you will not feel a clockwise rotating led to the middle of the night. There is no evening without fanfare, excitement and entertainment that is shown by nearly everyone who was there. At night it looks like will not end when you're in the Djemaa El-Fna.

Traditional Market

Still in the Djemaaa El Fna square, although it's not much different from most traditional markets in the cities of Morocco, it's good to not miss a visit to the traditional markets of Marrakech.

There visitors can buy almost anything, from spices, sandals and leather shoes, fabrics and Morocco jellaba (a typical outfit Morocco with connection head) and others.

But foreign tourists should be prepared to pay a price higher than the original price even though there is still a chance to bid. For visitors unable to speak Arabic goes without worry, because there are also a lot of the sellers who are good at speaking in United Kingdom.

You can also ask for help to students in Indonesia who was in the area to accompany your journey. In this area you have to remain cautious although Marrakech has a low crime rate. Make sure your valuables are kept in a safe place and enjoy the charm of the night market Jamaâ El Fna square which is never dark and hubbub of the crowd. (Kusnadi El-Ghezwa, Coordinator of the Department of Information Media and the Standing Committee Coordinator Morocco PPI Ta'lif wa Nasyr PCINU Morocco)

Fried Banana Is Different!

KOMPAS.com -you like with fried bananas? Beverages, and this one is certainly an awful lot of fans. The seller just started from the wagon arrived at the restaurant I ever find gaming, and also a wide range of ways that they are presented. But there is one difference that fried banana available i.e. Fried banana Honey Bu Nanik in Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta.

The location is not far from the t-junction of KFC, approximately 25 meters to the left of the road, direction to market Kopro. Spanduknya, to be seen so it's hard not to look for her. In front of it there is a banana display shelf gorengnya, and if you are logged in will see some employees who are frying the fried banana honey.

Fried banana Bu Nanik is different because it uses honey to the mixture in tepungnya. Pisangnya also cut and fried in size so it is rather large. If the surface is ripe is indeed so looks a bit burnt, because elements of the honey/sugar if fried so burnt.

Indeed mantab nih fried banana honey, pisangnya options, tepungnya savory and sweet. Hmm ... it if accompanied by coffee or tea would certainly favor really. And Bu Nanik each day could sell about 2,000 banana fritters at a price of Rp 2,500 per seed. So many customers that the message to take home. (Frans)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wine tasting Salak Bali from Earth

KOMPAS.com- Drink wine from salak? It may sound strange, because generally the wine is the drink of fermented grapes. In fact, a small village in Karangasem, Bali, really producing wine from salak. Types of fruit wine indeed drink wine made from fruit other than grapes.

Well, the village of Sibetan, one of the villages in the world that produces fruit wine. The village lies at an elevation of Karangasem Regency is indeed has long been famous for salak agro. Since a few years, people in this village cultivate wine salak.

Tourists who come to the village of Sibetan was able to see the process of making wine salak. Precisely in Banjar Dukuh, salak wine brewery is open for visitors who want to know the process of processing the salak becomes wine.

Nengah Fund, one of the local citizens incorporated in Dukuh CV Lestari who produced "Salacca Wine", a brand of wine salak. Since 1997, he was involved in the process of production of wine of salak.

It also often acts as a guide tour of the salak agro tourism and wine processing salak Village Sibetan. The Fund said the manufacturing process. First of all salak already peeled and slices, placed into the barrel with the yeast, granulated sugar, and mineral water.

"A new process of fermentation for two weeks," he said.

After that, the content inside the barrel pressed up to produce liquid only. Then, the process of filtering and entered into the aging barrels for six months.

After that it was only the process of bottling or filling bottles with wine and closure. After being sealed and labeled, plus Customs seal, salak wine was ready to be marketed.

In addition to wine purple sweet salak, wine is also produced in this place. Alcohol levels are certainly different. The Wine has an alcohol content of salak of 13 percent. Higher than the purple sweet potato wine "only" 4.5 percent.

2 regarding the permission. Since the year 2009, wine production? already getting permission POM. The funds claimed for a month was able to sell 250 thousand bottles of wine and wine of purple sweet salak.

If you bought at the place of production, the price of wine amounting to Rp 100,000 salak closing per bottle. While the wine sweet salak were priced Rp 80,000.

Well, how to taste wine salak? If you're used to drinking wine, maybe the texture taste wine with fine impressed salak after taste that is almost non-existent. Alcohol is so "also". However, the sweetness and the tart salak is also still feels.

The Fund revealed the idea of wine the salak occurs because the village is overgrown salak to the Court of the House having problems if in the harvest season. Abundant harvest caused prices to drop.

Finally the villagers cultivate back salak-salak. Salak was made into a lunkhead, last, and make wine. Mothers village for a creative process salak into vegetables to eat side dishes as well as other dishes.

Access and accommodations

The village of Sibetan which lies about 600 metres from the sea surface with cool. Located in the Regency of Karangasem, access to the village is very easy.

From Candidasa, home to hotels and tourist center crowd in Karangasem, it was not until an hour road trip. The distance is only about 20 kilometers. However, because it is at an altitude of, the streets and snaking uphill.

Meanwhile, over at Candidasa from Ngurah Rai airport takes around two hours road trip. You can rent a car to go to Karangasem Regency. Access to Karangasem is very easy due to the bypass Road, Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra.

As for accommodations, there is no hotel in the village of Sibetan. However, there is a homestay maintained local people in the village. There are four rooms in the village homestay. Price of stay only Rp 75,000 per night including breakfast.

Alternatively, you can stay at a hotel or a villa in the area of Candidasa. Then take the agro tourism packages in the village of Sibetan. This package includes trekking, touring the village of salak and pick fruits salak, as well as tours to the wine factory of salak.

Therefore, agendakan your next visit to Bali to the village of Sibetan. Then taste the sweetness of the wine of typical Sibetan salak.

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Interested So Tourists War

AFP PHOTO/STR Toshifumi Fujimoto took pictures of a rebel fighter Syria in Aleppo, Syria. Fujimoto is not a journalist, but describes himself as a tourist.

KOMPAS.com – Japan-born truck driver, Toshifumi Fujimoto, bored with the routine of his life. The 45-year-old man that could have been spent his spare time to try bungee jumping to tourist activities challenging the adrenaline.

However, he instead chose a more extreme activities. He became a war tourist. The spirit of Fujimoto had brought her from a boring routine life towards Syria. Syria became his latest adventure in the Middle East.

There, photographing Fujimoto photo and record video while avoiding the brunt of the mighty bullets. He was in Yemen last year and was in the middle of a demonstration in the United States Embassy in Yemen.

Then got to Cairo, Egypt, during the hard times which led to the fall of President Hosni Mubarak. At the end of this year, he plans to meet with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

However, this time he spent a tour in Aleppo, northern Syria. This area is for six months be a point of conflict and according to UNITED NATIONS data, has swallowed 60 thousand inhabitants.

Previously, Fujimoto has spent two weeks in the country by the end of 2011. This time, still using tourist visa, he entered Syria through Turkey secretly.

By wearing military uniforms and armed Japan two photo cameras and one video camera, Fujimoto went to the front lines each morning. Later, he documented the damage that occurred in Aleppo.

Fujimoto can't speak in the language of United Kingdom and can only speak a little Arabic. But he could understand a few words, such as "danger" and "the front line".

"I always go alone, for there is no tour guide who will deliver to the forefront. It's so exciting and so thrilling, "he said.

He added that more dangerous while in Syria to be a journalist rather than a tourist. Every morning he walks as far as 200 meters to reach the front line. He was on target shoot together Syria rebels.

Sometimes, the rebels put a stop to him and encouraged him to take pictures with. When the rebels shouted to run and shy away from snipers, Fujimoto flinch.

He chose to stick to taking photos and go with relaxed after he was satisfied. The pictures were then downloaded into his Facebook page.

"I am not a target for snipers, because I do not like a tourist, You are a journalist," he said to a journalist.

"Anyway, I am not afraid if they shoot me or I die. I am a combination of a samurai and kamikaze, "she said.

Fujimoto even do not use protective helmets and bulletproof jackets. According to him, the tools were so heavy when carried on a run. In addition, he added, more enjoyable if it is on the front lines without bringing anything and more interesting as well as fun as the action takes place.

"I have no family, no friends, does not have a girlfriend. I live alone, "she said.

Fujimoto was divorced. He has three daughters that he had never seen for five years.

"Not Even through Facebook or the internet, there are no (contacts). That's what makes me sad is so deep, "she said while wiping the tears that drip.

So, he bought the insurance. Then pray every day, if something happened to her, her children could take the money from the insurance and live comfortably.

Toshifumi Fujimoto took pictures of a rebel fighter Syria in Aleppo, Syria. Fujimoto is not a journalist, but describes himself as a tourist.

Interested in following in the footsteps of Fujimoto became the war tourist?

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