YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com -funneled Grants to tourist village in the province of Yogyakarta special region is directed to increase the motivation of the person who manages the village in an attempt to bring in tourists.
"The grants funds are channelled to the 13 tourist villages in Yogyakarta special region is indeed directed to drive the local economy, and bring in many tourists in the tourist village," said the head of Tourism Information Programs Unsexy DIY, Setiawan to Yogyakarta, Thursday (10/1/2013).
"Grants these funds only a mere to motivate the managers of tourism to be more independent, including the management and promotion of tourism packages in the tourist village. Each tourist receives these funds amounting to Rp 75 million, "he said.
He said if you want to get ahead, in fact the tourism village is not too dependent on Government funding, including grants. Therefore, the management of the tourist village lots done with purely local community based organizations.
"Need a new breakthrough for the managers, including how to sell package tours, and cultural cooperation with many travel agencies to bring closer the tourist village market with consumers. The reason for this is not yet optimal intertwined, "said Setiawan.
He said the agenda of a culture that is done several tours in DIY, some time ago, managed to attract the attention of tourists, and tourism which originally deserted visitors, being crowded.
A number of tourist village at the DIY holiday year-end 2012 hosts cultural tours, among them tourist village Sendari in district Mlati, Sleman. The event witnessed by residents of the surrounding communities. Some of the cultural attractions that presented them a tambourine music, dance, and stage art.
Then the Cape tourism village in the village of Donokerto, district, Sleman Regency, Ngaglik, also held similar events.
"This event proves that moving the traditional cultural tourism in tourist villages need financial support which is not a little. Therefore, many of the tourist village which does not yet have the funds independently within the organizing similar events, to hook the tourists, "he said.
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